Monday, March 21, 2011

See ya later blogger!

My blog has officially moved!! I have had so much trouble with blogger and I know some of you have as well! you can now find me at Follow me, comment, whatever you want! I love hearing from you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

C'est La Vie!

So I have been kinda busy since my last blog. I almost typed "super busy" but that isn't true. I still feel like I have nothing going on in my life because I am not in school. I am kinda stressed out about it, which is so dumb to be stressed out that I am not in school. I just keep thinking that I was supposed to be done this December. As in December 2011, and now I may not be done until December 2012 or maybe even May 2013! When I think I may not graduate until 2013, I have an intense urge to weep. I have to get on the ball about talking to McNeese about what will transfer, and more likely about what will not transfer, applying to the school, and figuring out financial aid. I have been putting it off because I am so stressed out about what they are going to tell me! And the program here is just so different from what I have read. At Mississippi State I would have been graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and a concentration in History and English. What all that means basically is that I would be qualified to teach K-6th grade in any subject and K-12 in History and English. At McNeese, from what I understand, you have to pick 3 elementary grades and that is what your degree will be for. Like k-3 or 4-6. Any concentrations or specialties is more school. That really stinks, and it really limits you in my opinion. I am hoping I have enough history and/or English credits to work something out because I really liked having the flexibility of teaching elementary or high school. It opens way more jobs up to me right out of school. OK! enough of the school weep fest!

Last week Elvis had his yearly appointment with the vet. It was time for his shots and I wanted the vet to take a look at his poor itchy skin. For the last 8-12 months we have been trying to figure out why he scratched and licks constantly, and our old vet in meridian just had us switching his food and praying some antiseptic spray on his tummy that also tasted bitter so he wouldn't want to lick it. When out new vet looked at his stomach he immediately said "That i a  yeast infection in his skin. We need to do a skin scrape and draw some blood to test for allergies and for a thyroid problem." MY POOR BABY! So for a year almost he has been miserable for no reason! If the vet in meridian would have taken any time at all with him, they could have figured it out. The vet here said that any vet should have been able to tell he had a yeast infection just by looking at his skin! Needless to say, we spend like 330 bucks and our dog is on 4 medications! But it's been a week and he is acting like he feels better and his skin is really clearing up! He has enough meds for 30 days and next week he has to go in for a follow up appointment next week.

Other than all the depressing news above life is going really well! Work is going really good, I love working in customer service! I know work is work and it's not like I'm all "YES!!! I GET TO GO TO WORK!!!" But it's not a bad gig =) And our church is INCREDIBLE! I love Linvingway! It's the place to be, for real! And I love Lake's a good city, in a great location, and there's a decent amount of things to do here. It works for us! And I am having the most fun of my life decorating my house! I am buying 1 new thing a week for my house and I LOVE it! After tax season I am saving up for some furniture pieces, and I can't wait!

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Rich!!

So I FINALLY got a job!! YAY! Would you like a Bentley? A new home? How about designer items? Well don't call me =) I am not really rich! It's just part time people! But anyway my new job is at Dillard's! I am working the Customer Service Desk, and I think I am going to love it! I start training and orientation next week.
Tonight we are having a special ladies service at church called "At His Feet". It will have foot washing so I am going to get a pedicure after the Pentecostal Student Center closes today! I am going with Stephanie Loman. Her husband, Brandon is our music minister and she cooks for the Student Center, I just love her! And I am so excited to have a pedicure, I haven't had one since early September! Isn't that so sad =(

The last thing I really wanted to write about is heartbreaking and really more of a prayer request...all of you probably already know that our friends, Matt and Amanda Schonk lost their precious daughter Emma to a crazy virus that attacked her heart on Wednesday. They obviously need a lot of prayer so please remember to lift them up whenever you think of it! I have no idea what they are going through, but I can imagine this is the most painful thing they have ever experienced. I hate when stuff like this happens...It literally just breaks my heart, and it seems so senseless. But God has a plan, even when we don't understand. My friend Christina had a status update the other day that said "How do people who don't know the Lord go through the loss of a loved one? So thankful for the comforter!" That is so true! I can NEVER doubt the existence of God when I am in need of peace and comfort, because the peace and comfort that can only come from the Lord are tangible. God is so good to us, even in our deepest sorrow!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas, New Years, and World Peace

So I haven't written anything since we were still living in Meridian and now my life has sort of slowed down so I can actually sit and write a bloggeroo! We moved to Lake Charles on December 10th with lots and lots of help from Grady and Scotty who had to put up with me being super bossy making them move couches and other large pieces of furniture to 10 different places before I liked it and setting up bedroom sets only to have me say "actually can you move it to the bedroom by the laundry room?" They were great sports and I was SO SO SO SO appreciative of their super hard work! Everyone give a hand clap to Grady and Scotty!! So the 10th was a Friday and I was all unpacked by Tuesday (I'm awesome, I know) but almost nothing has been hung on the walls to this day...I am still pondering where I want everything so give me a break people! On the 21st of December we flew to my sacred homeland of Indiana, the greatest state in the union in my humble opinion, and had a fantastic Christmas with our wonderful family and friends! I could go into details about every person we saw and everything we did, but we saw so many people and did so many things it would take all day! Just know we had a fantastic time with everyone doing everything!! =) We were set to leave on the 29th, but due to Chicago's terrible weather our flight got delayed for 2 days. That was the suckiest part of the whole trip! I was of course so glad to have a few extra days with family but I was also so ready to get back to my new home! AND to make matters SO much WORSE (you like my capitals for emphasis?) Steven, Tracy, Sarah, and Savannah were supposed to come into town on the 30th to spend the weekend and New Year with us! They still came on New Years Eve, but we didn't get into Lake Charles until almost 1am New Years Day! What a fantastic way to spend the New Year! NOT! So we only had all day Saturday and half a day Sunday with them! It was sad city! And Cliff didn't even get any Sunday with them because he got the stomach virus! WHAT!?!?! I know...craziest few weeks EVER! Then on the 3rd we started a church wide 21 days fast and it really was so spiritually beneficial and wonderful, but it ended this last Sunday and I went immediately to Outback and scarfed down an 8oz steak like I had been starving my whole life! It. Was. Delicious. On this past Friday we went to Houston which is about 2 hours away to go to Tauren Wells and Brittany Macey's wedding! It was an absolutely beautiful wedding and I am so happy for them! They both sang in our wedding and were not together at the time so I think it is so fun that they ended up marrying each other! I love weddings! Another fantastic thing was that I got to see Holly!! Her hubby was a groomsman. I have missed her so much so that was a nice and extremely rare treat! That is literally everything that has happened the last few weeks! hands hurt from all this typing! =) And for those wondering, we LOVE Livingway Church and the city of Lake Charles! The people have been such a blessing to us and have made us so welcome! We really couldn't ask for more! I shall return to blogging more regularly now so everyone can be so excited!

PS. My grandma has been very sick lately and was in the hospital this past week! She has been released and is doing much, much better but still keep her in your prayers! Also I need a job like yesterday so pray that one of the places I have applied at calls me asap! Thanks thanks thanks!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Addresses, Finals, Parties, and Models

So we found out our new address! It's...

Something something something
sonething something something

lol I can't put it here because this isn't a totally private blog and I would hate to have some psycho weirdo stalk me down or something! But if you would like our new address just email me at! And once you get our new address please feel free to send house warming gifts, large cash offerings, clothes, shoes, or anything else =)

I was so glad to find out so we can start changing our addy on bills and that sort of thing! That is really the big update as of now. I just finished 2 of 5 finals today and that felt great! I have my Statistic final on Tuesday, My Early Childhood Education final on Wednesday and my Psychology of Exceptional Children and Youth final is an 8 page paper due via email Thursday the 9th! I am hoping to turn that in on this saturday! Saturday is my going away party/end of the semester party that the girls at school are throwing for me. I love those girlies! They are the best...I wish they were all coming to school with me in Louisiana! BOO! I am gonna have like really really high stanards for the girls in the program there because the best ones ever are here, I am positive of this!
Also on a totally unrelated note to anyhting, do you all watch America's Next Top Model? I am sure you all do!! lol But ANN WON! I love Ann! She is 6'2 and FABULOUS! This season was all about high fashion which of course is all weird and akward and amazing and she was perfect for it. Ok just wanted to let you all in on that HA